Thursday, 15 September 2011

Nursery Scene Final

Hi All,

I'm ready to call this scene finished now. Overall I'm pretty happy with it.

I will be doing one final high res render over the weekend. So Any final comments and crits are welcomed.

Click image for full size.


Monday, 12 September 2011

Nursery Scene 12/9/11

A few more updates:

I've added some toys and wall sticker. Also tweaked lighting and rug.

Any C&C is much appreciated.


Free Articualte Skin

Hi guys and girls,

I thought I would share with you all again a free Articulate Skin that myself and a colleague have developed.

Hope you like :-)

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Nursery Scene 8/9/11

Hi all, thanks for the comments so far.

Asides from the obvious changes, I've redone the draws texture, fixed the white rug and added more samples to the wood textures.

Hope you guys like the updates. Next up is a scattering of toys across the floor.

C&C please;

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Nursery Scene

Hello, hello, hello.

Firstly I would like to offer up my apologies... I'm sorry... I have been neglecting my blog, and you guys and girls:-(

I went through a bit of a lull in work. I won't bore you with the details so to some it up... I was struggling to find the drive/inspiration to finish projects for a short while. I guess I just got a bit annoyed with spending so much time doing 3d, yet can't do it for a career (which is my dream).

Anyway, that's done and dusted. I'm over it, and back on it!!!

In the next few weeks we shall be decorating the nursery for mine and the wifes first child :-) So what better project to get my inspired to do 3d again?

Anyway that's enough rambling, here's a render:

As always comments and crits are not just welcomed but encouraged.

Usual weapons of choice used; 3DS Max and Mental Ray.